follow these steps to easily create a city for UDK using Urban Pad
open urban pad
1. open project on hard disk and navigate to simple city beginner, should be in documents/gamr7....
2. click city, double click simple city beginner
3. click the last node and wait for it to build
when its finished building your city should look something like this
4. click export and use these settings
1. import
2. double click each mesh and change its collision like this
3. drag all meshs into the 3d viewport
4. right click a mesh, select - all static mesh actors
5. press f4 to bring up the properties, click Movevment - Location and type 0 into x, y and z.
save your map
you might want to add some materials and a sky
Have fun razzing round your new city
Friday, 2 September 2011
Sunday, 5 June 2011
UDK Mouse Robot Style AI
a very basic mouse style ai.
it navigates its way round a map without using pathnodes or navmesh.
it traces directly in front to see if theres anything in the way, if theres nothing it moves forward.
if theres an obstruction in front, it takes a random distance left or right and does another trace. if theres an obstruction it does it again, if not it moves there.
heres a vid
heres the code
it navigates its way round a map without using pathnodes or navmesh.
it traces directly in front to see if theres anything in the way, if theres nothing it moves forward.
if theres an obstruction in front, it takes a random distance left or right and does another trace. if theres an obstruction it does it again, if not it moves there.
heres a vid
heres the code
class AIMouse extends GameAIController; var Vector MyTarget; var vector InFront; var vector X,Y,Z; var vector HitLoc, HitNormal; var Actor HitActor; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); //start the brain going at 1 second intervals SetTimer(1.0, true, 'BrainTimer'); } function BrainTimer() { GetAxes(Pawn.Rotation, X,Y,Z); InFront = Pawn.Location + 200 * X; //trace in front HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, InFront, Pawn.Location); //DrawDebugSphere( HitLoc, 30, 10, 0, 255, 0 ); if (HitActor != None) //theres something in front { //trace randomly left or right TraceRandom(); } else //theres nothing in front { //move forward MyTarget = InFront; GoToState('MoveAbout'); } } function TraceRandom() { local int LeftRight; //make a random number LeftRight = Rand(200) - Rand(200); GetAxes(Pawn.Rotation, X,Y,Z); InFront = Pawn.Location + LeftRight * Y; //do another trace to a random location left or right HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, InFront, Pawn.Location); DrawDebugSphere( HitLoc, 30, 10, 255, 0, 0 ); if (HitActor != None) //if we trace something { Return; } else //if we trace nothing { //move there MyTarget = InFront; GoToState('MoveAbout'); } } state MoveAbout { Begin: MoveTo(MyTarget); } defaultproperties { }
Friday, 3 June 2011
udk ai, random movement, follow player
heres a udk ai that moves around randomly unless the player is close, then it will follow.
class AIRandom2 extends GameAIController; //declaring variables here means //they may be used throughout this script var Vector MyTarget; //at the start of the level simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); //start the brain going at half second intervals SetTimer(0.5, true, 'BrainTimer'); } function BrainTimer() { //local variables are only used in this function local Pawn P; local float Distance; //check if theres another pawn, the pawn belongning to this controller isnt counted foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'Pawn', P) { if (P != None) //if there is one { //get the distance Distance = VSize2D(Pawn.Location - P.Location); //if its closer than 500 if (Distance <= 500) { //make its location MyTarget MyTarget = P.Location; //so it doesnt fly up n down MyTarget.Z = P.Location.Z; //MoveTo the pawn GoToState('MoveAbout'); } else //if its too far away { //do whats in the function called MoveRandom() MoveRandom(); } } else //if there isnt another pawn { //call the function MoveRandom() MoveRandom(); } } } function MoveRandom() { local int OffsetX; local int OffsetY; //make a random number OffsetX = Rand(500)-Rand(500); OffsetY = Rand(500)-Rand(500); //some distance left or right and some distance in front or behind MyTarget.X = Pawn.Location.X + OffsetX; MyTarget.Y = Pawn.Location.Y + OffsetY; //so it doesnt fly up n down MyTarget.Z = Pawn.Location.Z; //move to the random location GoToState('MoveAbout'); } state MoveAbout { Begin: //MoveTo makes it move to a location (vector) MoveTo(MyTarget); } defaultproperties { }
udk random movement ai code
heres an ai that moves around randomly
class RandomAI extends GameAIController; var Vector MyTarget; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); //start the brain going at half second intervals SetTimer(0.5, true, 'BrainTimer'); } function BrainTimer() { local int OffsetX; local int OffsetY; //make a random offset, some distance away OffsetX = Rand(500)-Rand(500); OffsetY = Rand(500)-Rand(500); //some distance left or right and some distance in front or behind MyTarget.X = Pawn.Location.X + OffsetX; MyTarget.Y = Pawn.Location.Y + OffsetY; //so it doesnt fly up n down MyTarget.Z = Pawn.Location.Z; GoToState('MoveAbout'); } state MoveAbout { Begin: MoveTo(MyTarget); } defaultproperties { }
Thursday, 24 March 2011
UDK Real 3D Menu Without Scaleform
Heres this then.
A menu made from in game 3D models.
The code below is for 2 types of 'button'.
1. TegButton_Actor.uc - this one has an OK button
2. TegButton_Ok - this is the ok button. can be used if you dont need an ok.
just change the StaticMesh in DefaultProperties to use your own.
Vid Here
A menu made from in game 3D models.
The code below is for 2 types of 'button'.
1. TegButton_Actor.uc - this one has an OK button
2. TegButton_Ok - this is the ok button. can be used if you dont need an ok.
just change the StaticMesh in DefaultProperties to use your own.
Vid Here
class TegButton_Actor extends Actor placeable; var() const editconst LightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment; var() string Command; auto state MenuActive { event TakeDamage(int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, classDamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) { local TegButton_Ok OkButon; local vector L; super.TakeDamage(DamageAmount,EventInstigator, HitLocation,Momentum,DamageType,HitInfo,DamageCauser); L=Location; L.Z=Location.Z + 100; //when taking damage, spawn an ok button and give it a console command OkButon = Spawn(class'TegButton_Ok',,,L, Rotation); OkButon.Command = Command; } } DefaultProperties { Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment bEnabled=TRUE End Object LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment Components.Add(MyLightEnvironment) begin object class=StaticMeshComponent Name=BaseMesh // change this staticmesh to your own 'button' model StaticMesh=StaticMesh'EngineMeshes.Cube' //LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment end object Components.Add(BaseMesh) CollisionComponent=BaseMesh bCollideActors=true bBlockActors=true //default console command Command="quit" }
class TegButton_Ok extends Actor placeable; var() const editconst LightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment; var() string Command; auto state MenuActive { event TakeDamage(int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, classbased on Mougli's SandboxSpinningBoxDamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) { local PlayerController PC; super.TakeDamage(DamageAmount,EventInstigator, HitLocation,Momentum,DamageType,HitInfo,DamageCauser); //on TakeDamage tell all the players the console command foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { PC.ConsoleCommand(Command); } } } DefaultProperties { Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment bEnabled=TRUE End Object LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment Components.Add(MyLightEnvironment) begin object class=StaticMeshComponent Name=BaseMesh StaticMesh=StaticMesh'EngineMeshes.Cube' //LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment end object Components.Add(BaseMesh) CollisionComponent=BaseMesh bCollideActors=true bBlockActors=true }
UDK Mobile Plug & Play Car
Name: VHm_Escort
Type: Package and scripts
Category: Vehicles
UDK version: March. 2011 (Mobile) and newer
Author: Tegleg Records
Many thanks to: moot
Model comes from Google Warehouse
Download Here
Type: Package and scripts
Category: Vehicles
UDK version: March. 2011 (Mobile) and newer
Author: Tegleg Records
Many thanks to: moot
Model comes from Google Warehouse
Download Here
UDK Plug & Play Car with Weapon
heres a big vehicle for you to play with. For NOVEMBER UDK and newer.
contains Original Version and LookSteer Version
Download Here
it has:
* rotating turret that fires the manta weapon.
* 6 camera modes, with rear view function. Static cam when first enter vehicle.
* nicely ballanced with slippery tyres for drifting
* its fast
comes with the 3ds max model file so you can make your own vehicle. the model is a terrible 'placeholder', im no modeler :s
open it up in max, delete the mesh, add your own, skin the bones. (look for geodav tutorials if you dont know what im talking about)
place the files from the zip in your udk instalation folder.
the zip is arranged in folders to make it easy for you.
Development/Src/UTGame/Classes - Script Files.
Development/Src/UTGameContant/Classes - More Script Files. (wont work for udk versions older than august)
UDKGame/Content/Vehicles - the vehicle package (wont work for udk versions older than november)
add these lines to DefaultInput.ini for the camera control.
add to the bottom of ; Primary default bindings section
.Bindings=(Name="R",Command="GBA_LookBack | OnRelease GBA_NotLookBack")
contains Original Version and LookSteer Version
Download Here
it has:
* rotating turret that fires the manta weapon.
* 6 camera modes, with rear view function. Static cam when first enter vehicle.
* nicely ballanced with slippery tyres for drifting
* its fast
comes with the 3ds max model file so you can make your own vehicle. the model is a terrible 'placeholder', im no modeler :s
open it up in max, delete the mesh, add your own, skin the bones. (look for geodav tutorials if you dont know what im talking about)
place the files from the zip in your udk instalation folder.
the zip is arranged in folders to make it easy for you.
Development/Src/UTGame/Classes - Script Files.
Development/Src/UTGameContant/Classes - More Script Files. (wont work for udk versions older than august)
UDKGame/Content/Vehicles - the vehicle package (wont work for udk versions older than november)
add these lines to DefaultInput.ini for the camera control.
add to the bottom of ; Primary default bindings section
.Bindings=(Name="R",Command="GBA_LookBack | OnRelease GBA_NotLookBack")
Dynamicaly changing the Player Pawn
How to Dynamicaly change the Player Pawn.
Put this in your Player Controller. The example here is using an 'exec' function so it can be triggered from a button press or console command.
Put this in your Player Controller. The example here is using an 'exec' function so it can be triggered from a button press or console command.
exec function FPress() { //declare the variables local pawn p; local vector l; local rotator r; //set the variables p = Pawn; l = Pawn.Location; r = Pawn.Rotation; // get rid of the old pawn UnPossess(); p.Destroy(); //spawn a new pawn and possess it p = Spawn(class'SomePawnClass', , ,l,r); //use false if you spawned a character and true for a vehicle Possess(p, false); }
UDK Easy Save System
How to save a variable in UDK unreal script.
class Something extends SomethingElse config(SomeIni); //this points to an ini file where stuff is saved, in this case UDKSomeIni.ini var config int SomeVar; // putting config allows you to save the variable //your function where you set and save the variable function SomeFunction() { SomeVar = 20; //give it a value //SaveConfig() will save whatever variables have config // it will create UDKSomeIni.ini (if it doesnt exist) and save the variable SaveConfig(); }
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